family life

The family is the building block of any community. Strong families translate into strong churches, strong communities and strong fmilies. The Family Life provides guidance and counseling for intending and married couples in the church.

This department oversees the following activities in church:
  • Premarital Courting- counselings for intending couples which spans over a minimum of 3months and maximum of 6months. At the end of the sessions,medical examinations(pregnancy test,blood genotype,blood group and HIV). Relevant counsels are given along the results of the investigations where necessary.
  • General counselling for married couples including challenges in parenting etc.
  • Conduct of wedding ceremonies!
  • Liaison activities between the church and the marriage registry of the government.
  • Quarterly seminars/workshops as touching various aspects of family life- usually interactive as more mileage is gained in the topics under discussion.
  • October Family month- This comes up yearly. All teachings,exhortations sermons,workshops etc will centre around the family.