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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Friday, April 28, 2023
And Jesus came and spoke unto them saying…I am with you always...
Matthew 28:20
Main Text: Matthew 28:15-20
The message of peace is what I have brought to you at this moment. Whenever we are faced with unpleasant situation, we always tend to think that we have sinned or God has abandoned us. It is not in the character of God to forget His children, no matter how terrible the situation may look like, Jesus cares for us still.
Remember Daniel in the den of lions, God was ahead of him. Permit me to remind you of the contest between king Nebuchadnezzar and the three Hebrew men who were accused of not bowing to the king’s golden image; they were thrown into the furnace of fire. Alas! Before they entered into the fire, the Son of Man was there waiting for them and to the amazement of everyone, God opened the eyes of this unbelieving king and said “Behold… But I see four men walking in the fire unhurt and the fourth look like the Son of man”. I speak into your life today that you will see God in that fearful situation in the name of Jesus and solution shall come for you.
Behold, Jesus said; ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’. Never you think that God has forgotten you or abandoned you in that situation you are passing through right now; it won’t be long before you come to share your testimony this July, 2019. You are not the first to encounter challenges in life and you won’t be the last person but above all, God will always see you through in every situation you find yourself.
The glory that will follow your gory experience is nothing compared to anything. Listen to Paul’s comment in one of his challenges in life: “For we would not, have you ignorant brethren of our trouble which came to us in Asia … we should not trust in ourselves but IN GOD who raises the dead who DELIVERED us from so great a death. II Corinthians 1:8-10.
Prayer: Lord, let your glory be revealed in my challenging my ments that Your name alone will be glorified in Jesus’ name
Further Reading: Isaiah 49:14-16, Psalm 124:2-7
Read through the Bible in one year: Judges 8:18, 9;21 , Luke 23:44 & 24:12 Psalm 99:1-9 Prov 14:9-10
Read through the Bible in 2 years: Micah 4-5, Psalm 111