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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Thursday, January 11, 2018


In all these Job sinned not, nor charged God foolish.
Job 1: 22
Main Text:

One of the powerful secrets that will cause you to experience the mighty Hand of God in 2018 is to know how to be in charge it doesn’t matter the situation and circumstances around you. To be in charge of one’s life means refusing to allow negative circumstances influence us. We may not be able to control some circumstances around us the way people feel or think about us, but we can always influence our own feelings and how we choose to respond to what is happening, knowing that the way people feel or think about us is immaterial but our response to the situation and circumstances will always speak volume of the stuff we are made of. The Bible declared concerning Job that in all these, (his predicament, temptation, tribulation and distress) Job sinned not, his response to the situation showed the type of man he was.

Job suffered greatest set-backs in life, his business, children, resources and everything he had worked for were destroyed in one day, his wife asked him to curse God and die, friends accused him of unfaithfulness to God but hear what came out of Job “though he slays me, I will trust in Him because I know that my Redeemer lives and yet in my body I will see God” Job 19: 25: 26

Fancy this, the true test of a man is not in where he stands at the time of comfort but where he stands at the face of difficulties and trials. Everyman shall be tested, everyone will be tried. The Living English Bible says “you are a poor specimen if you cannot stand the pressure of adversity” Proverbs 24: 10

Beloved you have the word of life to look up to when the chips are down and your faith is tested. You will succeed more than you did in 2017 if you allow the Word in your life.

Prayer:  Lord, I receive strength to be calm in time of crisis in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Proverbs 19: 11, II Timothy 1: 7

Read through the Bible: I Samuel 9 & I Corinthians 8