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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
And when thaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal Heirs.
II Kings 11: 1
Main Text:
A popular motivational writer once said ‘when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable’. There was a purpose in the mind of God when he created the man. Man is expected to be in charge of his world. God said ‘let them have dominion over the fish of the sea (the marine powers) and over the fowl of the air (both the witches and the devil the prince of the power of the air) and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.’ Genesis 1: 28, beloved even any demonic being which transforms itself into a different creature must submit to you. God said, dominate them. We are not asked of God to dominate human beings like us, but rather our environment and everything that intends to exalt itself above the knowledge of God in our lives.
Don’t ever try to force yourself on people, we are commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ to love people but to dominate our environment and cast out every strange spirit into the bottomless pit.
Dominion signifies rulership and authority. It is the legal permission given to you by God to enforce the government of heaven on earth. That is why Jesus taught the disciples the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom (i.e. government, rulership) come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.
The above-mentioned woman in the verse of scripture did not understand the government of heaven. For her to be in position, she had to kill all the royal seeds so that she could enthrone herself as King. This is not God’s design of dominion but rather it is wickedness. God abhors it. Understand that the purpose of rulership is to institute the government of heaven on earth. Be a part of this.
Prayer: Lord, I reject every evil domineering spirit in my life and around me.
Further: I Kings 19:1-2, Judges 9:4-5
Read through the Bible: I Samuel 1 & Romans 16