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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Thursday, May 31, 2018
“… confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see
Hebrews 11:1 †(NIV)
Main Text:
Following God requires living by faith. That means: trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us when we don’t have human understanding for solutions. John 16:13 believing that God is the final solution to every human need and troubles.
We also demonstrate our faith in God by taking steps without seeing any evidence that our desire has been granted. In Philemon verse 22 Paul said, “… Have a guest room ready for me. I hope I can return to all of you in answer to your prayers” (NIRV). By asking that accommodation be prepared for him even though there was no tangible evidence that he would be released Paul proved that he not only believed that the brethren were praying for him but also that God truly answers prayers (Psalm 65:2).
Stories abound of couples that chose names and even bought items for babies they had not yet given birth to (even though doctors had told them that they could never have children). That is an expression of faith in God who has the final word.
We also express our faith in God by obeying His instruction even if it does not make sense. Elisha did this in 2nd Kings 4:42-44 when he asked his servant to set before a hundred men food that normally should not be enough for them, just because the Lord said that they would eat and have some left over. He did not try to figure out how the food would go round; he did not argue with nor try to prove anything to God. He just acted in faith. Faith makes us not to depend on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
When we worship God in difficult situations (Job 1:20; Job 13:15) we show that we have faith in His wisdom and power. Note that worshipping God also involves walking in righteousness (Psalm 51:17), serving Him faithfully, and fellowshipping with others
Prayer: Let my faith in You be renewed O Lord.
Further Reading: Job 1:20; Job 13:15
Read through the Bible: II Chronicles 17 & Matthew 20