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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything …
Philippians 4: 6
Main Text:
A major thing we must come to term with is that life is full of challenges, and opportunities. These are paramount to life and humanity whether we know, like it, or not, believe it or not; the reasons why many die under the yoke of their challenges is because they allow anxiety to dominate them instead of praying and locating the prevailing Word of God about the situation. Let me remind you that a great number of people died due to anxiety as a result of their ignorance of the power in the Word of God.
There is no amount of worry that can bring solution to any challenge and that is why Jesus said; can your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not! Or has your worries done you any good in 2017? So why would you continue to worry? You need to know that your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will meet you at the very point of them all this 2018 if you will put your trust in Him and make the Word of God your primary concern. Have you even studied the Word today?
Beloved, instead of worrying about everything why not turn to the word of God through prayers because that is where the solution is. He will meet those needs, put those challenges over and help you to overcome those difficulties and you will find rest for your soul. Hear what the scripture says Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee. Isaiah 26: 3
Desire the perfect peace with rest of mind in the prevailing word of God. Trust in the Lord in all situations and circumstances, avoid worry because it’s a destroyer, it kills gradually and unknowingly and when it gets to its peak, the result is always devastating. Learn to put your trust in God, never allow anything to disturb your mind rather do, II Timothy 2: 15
Prayer: Lord, I terminate every source of anxiety in my life
Further Reading: Matthew 6: 32-34
Read through the Bible: I Samuel 5 & I Corinthians 4