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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Saturday, August 11, 2018


“But He turned and said unto Peter, Get thee behind Me, satan: thou art an offense unto Me:
Matthew 16:23
Main Text:

What should be your reaction when “Peter” says no to the will of God for your life? Jesus provided us the perfect example in Matthew 16:23 . At such a time you need to look beyond the loving, caring “Peter” who wishes you well, and see the mean, destructive, hateful satan who wants to make you an enemy of God.

Resist the devil in the Name of Jesus. That is not to say that you will look at your husband, wife, father, mother or whoever represents “Peter” at that time and call him/her Satan. No! Resist the devil in prayer, and ask the Lord to speak for you, and to convince your “Peter”, especially if “he” has authority over you. But you cannot turn your back on the will of God for any reason – you cannot marry an unbeliever because “Peter” says to do so – you would just be unequally yoked and that will displease God and you know who will get hurt in the eventual. You cannot abandon the call of God upon your life because “Peter” says no to it (“Peter” cannot deliver you in the day of God’s wrath). You have to hold on to the Word of God and whatever vision He has given you. Sometimes, holding unto God attracts persecution but then the Bible says that all those who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Also, you are not to fear those who can only kill the body, but rather fear God who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell.

There are times, however, when you just have to let certain things go for the sake of peace if “Peter” will not let you do what you want to do for the Lord. For instance, if you are a married woman and your husband would not let you attend a prayer vigil on a particular night, you can only pray and try to appeal  him to let you go.

Prayer: keep me away from deceivers

Further Reading:  Matthew16:18-23

Read through the Bible: Job 19 & Acts 3