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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Thursday, May 10, 2018
This is my body, which is given for you..
Luke 22: 19
Main Text:
The Holy Communion is the communion of the body and blood of Christ. When you're born again, you become one with the Lord. You become a participant in His body and blood, a sharer of His life. Therefore, in partaking of the communion, you're reaffirming your oneness with the Lord, and reminding yourself of who you are.
His blood was shed so that sin wouldn’t have any power or control over you. Your new life is a result of the new covenant; you’re what He got for His sacrifice!
So, the next time you take the Communion, remember these things and declare them in prayer, thanking God for all that Jesus has achieved for you. Let them create a new consciousness within you and propel you to experience the higher life in Christ.
.We're one with the Lord. This means His victory is our victory; His ability is our ability. We're sufficient in His sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5). There're no impossibilities with you, now that you're in Christ. You've been brought into the life of unending victories. Be mindful of these as you prepare to take the Communion.
In the same vein, there is no better drink than the blood of Jesus Christ. Lev. 17: 11 says, ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for the soul.’ Jesus is God and as such when we drink His blood in communion we are drinking the life of God. His life gives us health. Good enough whatever, the blood of Jesus will flush out every impediment found in our body system.
Are you sick? You will be healed as you partake of the Holy Communion. If business is not progressing as it should, His blood is the answer. If the situation is always working against you, the communion is the solution.
There is no better way to get our healing miracles outside the blood of Jesus.
Prayer: Father, heal, strengthen and liberate me today in Jesus’ name.
Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23 – 26
Read through the Bible: I Chronicles 25 & Revelation 21