The Father's Menu

Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Saturday, October 20, 2018


“I am with you always, even to the end of the age”
Matthew 28: 20
Main Text:

I welcome you into God’s divine presence through the Menu for today in Jesus name. I pray that all your aspirations will be divinely met. There is a fundamental fact in the text above that every believer must know. Jesus declared the statement and with that there is nothing else we need to take the place of His presence. Elijah once ran into problem with Queen Jezebel which made him think he was the only surviving prophet of God until God showed His presence in his time of trouble. Let it be known to you as well that God is with you no matter what!

John 1: 1 clearly states that the Word of God which is Jesus and is also The Bible so also is God. Maybe I should put it this way, if it will not offend you – The Bible is God in the written form. So, when Jesus promised to always be with us, He never had it in mind that He’ll always physically show up whenever we need Him but He was referring to the work He had already completed on the cross, redemption. Note that Matt. 28 tells the story of the Risen Christ. i.e., He had already died and risen again before He said this. Paul said that a Testator (The person who wrote the promise or will) dies. In effect, this means that all the promises in the scriptures were finally sealed when Jesus died because He is The Testimony of the promises or will.

Beloved, His Word can work for you since He is the Word. If you need healing, His Word (Himself) is there. Is. 53: 5, if you need safe delivery, His Word (Himself) is there with you- Deut. 2: 15; if you need promotion, His word (Himself) is there with you-

Deut. 28: 13.

Dearly beloved, if you accept His Word is with you, then God is with you because He is The Word

Prayer: Let Your Word do wonders in my life O Lord.

Further Reading: John 1: 1 - 10

Read through the Bible: Psalm 45 & II Corinthians 12