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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Three times thou shalt keep a feast…in the yearâ€
Exodus 23: 14
Main Text:
Feasting is common with men. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Belshazzar his son and great kings of ancient and modern ages were noted for regular feastings that promote self-image, ego and sensuality. Civilization and technology have not changed the trend because almost everything these days is turned into feasting and ceremonies. However, appointed feast of God have spiritual connotations and symbols because they are spiritually discerned to guide God’s people to an expected end. Clearly stated in the text above are the institutions of sabbatical year which means every seventh year, the land was to rest. The feast of unleavened bread which was taken with bitter herbs reminded the Israelites of their bitter experience in Egypt and how God delivered them. Three times in a year, they were to appear before God without being empty-handed. These laws are primarily peculiar to the Jews, but they have secondary spiritual applications to modern-day Christians. When we come for worship, we must not come to God empty-handed. Our souls must be filled with grace, devoted affections, holy desire and dedication to please God. Empty, shallow and frivolous worship that lacks solemnity and soberness, peace and purity hinders communion with God. Those who worship God merely for fear will worship the devil should he appear. Remember the Bible says there is liberty in the presence of God and coming into His presence with fear in us does not show the freedom we have in serving and worshipping Him. Weekly fellowship meetings in your local church are arranged to meet your spiritual needs. Regular fellowship with people of like precious faith is the will of God for you. Believers are called to feast on the word of God and worship Him to ensure steady growth, maturity and stability in the Christian race. If I ask you now, when last did you really sit down with your Bible to know the mind of God? But you have read to the Newspaper for today right? Seek to know God’s mind and He will keep your mind stayed on Himself. Prayer: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Further Reading: Exodus 23:10-19 Read through the Bible: Esther 1 & Luke 20