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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Then Samuel died and all Israelites gathered together...
I Samuel 25: 1
Main Text:

Has “Samuel died”? That is not the end for you. God is still alive and all the issues of your life are in His hands. If only you can stay focused on Him, put your trust absolutely in Him and refuse to be discouraged, you will soon discover that both in Samuel’s presence and in his absence God loves you and has the power to do you good.

Peter was one of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He loved the Lord very dearly, and was closer to Him than most of the other disciples,  in Mathew 26, he was one of the three that Jesus took beyond where the other disciples were. When Jesus was going to raise Jairus’ daughter from the dead, Peter was one of those that He took into the room with Him, while He kept everyone else out. Jesus and Peter were very close, and it was obvious that Peter knew Jesus’ identity, at least by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This is why when Jesus asked the disciples in Matthew 16:15 “But whom say ye that I am”, Peter said in verse 16 “…Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

But then in Matthew chapter 16 verse 21 the Bible records that Jesus started to let His disciples know that He would go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things in the hands of the elders,  He told them that He would be killed, and be raised again the third day. In verse 22 of the same chapter, Peter took Jesus aside and “began to rebuke Him...” Did Peter react in that way because he hated Jesus and didn’t want Him to fulfill the purpose for which God sent Him to the earth? No. Did he do it because he hated his fellow men, and didn’t want Jesus to die and save them from their sins? No. Rather, he did it because he loved Jesus and didn’t want anything evil to befall Him. He acted in sincere and genuine love for the Lord.

Prayer: I shall not be distracted.

Further Reading:  Matthew 16:15-22

Read through the Bible: Job 17 & Acts 1