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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1
Main Text:

One good reason why you should rejoice always is because you have a Father in heaven who cares more than anyone on earth. True or false? He’s not making vain promises neither will He disappoint his people. His words are forever settled in heaven concerning you and about your issues in this land of the living.  To know that God’s aware of all your plans and dreams, you should rejoice and throw away your strong face with every readiness to show the joy of the Lord and to be glad no matter your situation. God is the author of Joy and gives round peace to those who trust in Him. You can only access the best from Him and never from the situations on earth. Therefore be glad in the Lord because He’s making rooms for you to be strong and remain blessed always.

You need joy to serve God acceptably.  Joy is one of the key fruits which shows you are filled with the Holy Spirit. The power of the Almighty God in you will not allow you to stay lonely or sad. The truth of the matter is this, you are never alone. The Lord is with you wherever you go and that’s happening according to His word. The Psalmist says in Psalm 100:4, Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Prove to God that you are confident in His ability to do exceeding abundantly, above all that you can ever ask or think. He won’t resist the power of a joyful heart because joy comes by his Spirit through faith in His word. Don’t give room for your enemies to laugh at you but confused their state with your joyful smile. As you approach His presence with joy and gladness of heart this day, the hand of Lord will rest upon you and you will never know sorrow in your entire life again. Stay blessed.

Prayer; Father, baptise me with spirit of joy and unlimited celebrations.

Further Reading:  Psalm 100

Read through the Bible: Psalm 63 & I Corinthians 1