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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Thursday, July 19, 2018
“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom have thou made them all: The earth is full of thy richesâ€
Psalm 104: 24
Main Text:
Man is the crown of all that God created; we’re His glory and beautifully made in the image of God; His very best! That’s why it took the death of Jesus–the most perfect sacrifice and greatest gift of all–to consummate your salvation All of creation is a display of the wisdom of God. ‘‘And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good …†(Genesis 1:31). The Psalmist, like we note today, meditates on the beauty, splendor and majesty of God’s creation. The sea and creatures therein continues to fascinate mankind. A scientist said that over 80% of all living creatures have their abode in the sea! Great wonder! Of all the creatures of God, only man lives beyond death-when the Lord takes away his breath, he enters into either a life of glory or damnation. Of all the creatures of God, only man is so blind as to live in rebellion against his Benefactor! Of all the creatures of God, only man will give account of his life, his response to the offer of salvation freely given by God and account of his stewardship on earth. As we meditate on the wonders of God’s creation, only man will answer ‘‘… when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel†(Romans 2:16). Have you really understood the reason God created you? Are you living to the glory of His name? Do you spend some time today to appreciate the beauty of God’s creation? It is wise that you make peace with Him by accepting Jesus into your life as Lord and Saviour. The choice to accept Jesus and make Him your everlasting companion or reject Him and be damned forever is wholly yours. Prayer: I receive of your abundance riches O Lord Further Reading: Psalm 104:24-35 Read through the Bible: Esther 6 & John 1