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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Friday, February 9, 2018
Verily I unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
Mark 10:15 KJV
Main Text:
Knowledge acquired and man’s wisdom are not expected to contest with the lordship of our God. The natural mind will always counter the things of the spirit neither can he know them because everything about God must be spiritually discerned. You need a humble spirit and life of simplicity to always understand God through His Word. Pride and arrogance will keep you far from the Maker of heaven and the earth but a life in humility and godliness will make you a direct candidate and recipient of His grace. I pray nothing will stop you from getting the best of God on the earth in this year 2018.
Children are unique in their approach to knowledge acquisition. There’s no confusion in their sense of judgment and that’s why they believe simply and operate in innocence. Little wonder the Lord has appointed angels to work with them and to guide them. You will also get better in your pursuits and be greatly blessed if you will simply believe the word of God with every readiness to act without questions or complaints. God’s word and promises will not work for you except you are ready to believe and act in faith especially faith that is likened unto children. Anything done outside genuine faith is bound to fail. Therefore, receive that simple spirit similar to those of little children and begin to act on the word of the Lord for your benefit.
Reject pride and subdue your earthly experience to get the knowledge and wisdom of God. You must humble yourself under God’s mighty arms if you want Him to promote you in all realms of life. The Lord is ready to help you in winning those battles endangering your success and wellbeing if you will simply believe in your mind and submit to His Lordship without complaints.
Prayer: Deliver me from the complexities of life and help me to live by faith in your word.
Further Reading: Read: Mark 10:13-16
Read through the Bible: II Samuel 7 & Ephesians 2