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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
“Therefore be imitators of God (copy Him and follow His example), as well-beloved children (imitate their father). And walk in love…â€
Ephesians 5:1-2a AMP
Main Text:
Stand up stand up for Jesus…The Shepherd of my soul…Unto Jesus I surrender... etc, without mincing words are songs you know very well. They meant to define our level of commitment and followership unto Christ. Can it be said in your absence that you follow Christ? Let people refer to you as a true believer of Christ by your character when they attest to the godly nature in you.
When people look at you, it is important they see the nature of Christ in you. Perhaps in the natural, you have characteristics of your father or mother; maybe you have same mannerisms, what makes their child must be seen in your nature. We should also have the characteristics of our heavenly Father. We should display His likeness. Let people refer to you as a child of Christ. Let the glory of God shine in your life.
In this world, people have some funny attitude when it comes to identity. If I may say, some believers don’t identify with a particular body of Christ. They seem to belong to every doctrine. They worship in every church where there is miracle. They know every mountain and quick to join every ‘happening’ church! Stand strong for the faith you profess in Christ and do not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Know that you serve the God who sees and makes way even in the wilderness!
When you imitate God, when you do things His way, you get His results! And God’s way always lead to life, freedom and blessing. The more you imitate your heavenly Father by walking in love, the more you will see Him move in your life. He’ll open doors for you that no man can close, and you’ll see His hand of blessing in every area of your life in this year of prevailing Word!
Prayer: Help me to always trust and follow You O Lord.
Further Reading Hebrews 6: 11 – 12
Read through the Bible: II Samuel 11 & Ephesians 6