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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Friday, October 5, 2018


“… for He who touches you touches the apple of His eye…:
Zechariah 2: 8
Main Text:

The moment Jesus died for all humanity, the status of anyone who accepts Him as Lord and Saviour changes. The person becomes the heritage of God and whatever affects him/her concerns God; isn’t that incredible? It is!

I don’t know what physical part of your body is the most important to you. But Jesus said, “The eye is the light of the body.” Literally, this means that once the eyes get infected or blinded, the whole body is put in total darkness. In 1 Kings 6: this was the experience of thousands of soldiers that have come to arrest the servant of God. They all went blind. So, their target enemy now became the same person that led them out of the city. This goes to show how important the eye is to the body. Then the scriptures say that “whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye.” Now you can see how very important you are to God.

Beloved, where ever you are, how special you know that you are is one of the major determinants of how you do and what you do. Guest speakers in occasions are examples. If they attempt to carry their bags, someone immediately rushes to help. Same goes for whatever thing they have to do. Beloved, there is no exaggeration about it, you are as important to God as how important eyes are to the body. Why do you think He rebuked kings and nations for your (His child) sake, saying, “touch not My anointed and do them no harm” In Isaiah 43: 4, He said He would not mind allowing someone else die, just for Him to keep you alive.  What a figure you are!

My beloved of God, see yourself the exact way God sees you. If He could send His Son to die for you, then you must be a special candidate.

Prayer: Thank You Father for Your dimension of Love for me. I will forever live to praise You.

Further Reading:  Isaiah 43:1- 4

 Read through the Bible: Psalm 30 & I Corinthians 13