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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Sunday, January 14, 2018
A Sower went out to sow his seed … And the fowls of the air devoured it.
Luke 8: 5
Main Text:
A seed is a small hard part produced by a plant, from which a new plant can grow, in other word, seed carries the life of future generations. Seed reckons with the future and not the present. It goes ahead of you to speak for your future. So whatever is out to eat or devour your seed is out to destroy your life; will you permit that? Never!
Jesus in John 9:4 said, it is better to work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. It means your night hour is your old age when you will not be able to run up and down owing to lack of strength. At this point it is your well planted seed that will become bread for you at the old age. Your seed could be your business, children and or kingdom investment. The devil on the other hand is aware of this and that is why he’s always after your seed.
The story of the widow in Nain best illustrates the above verse of scripture. She had lost her husband long ago and managed to train her only son, she used all she had to invest on him knowing that her son is her future and her destiny but little did she know that the fowls of the air were busy watching her and when she thought it was time for her to start enjoying the fruit of her labour, the devil struck and her son died. She was left with nothing. No hope, her staff of bread had been devoured, if not for the intervention of God, her destiny would have collapsed.
Beloved, don’t be careless with your life, don’t watch your destiny collapse, don’t watch the enemy devour your seed, wake up, refuse every force that wants to devour your future right in your presence in this 2018.
Prayer: Lord I come against every power that wants to devour my seed in Jesus’ name.
Further Reading: Psalm 125:3, Isaiah 51: 9 – 10
Read through the Bible: I Samuel 12 & I Corinthians 11