The Father's Menu

Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
Hebrews 12:11
Main Text:

The understanding of God’s teachings and training skills will keep you perpetually in the school of wisdom. There’s no end to learning in the school of the Spirit. You can’t learn too much from God so you must make yourself available for teachings till we see Christ in glory. As recorded in Ephesians 4:13, I encourage you to continue to grow unto the measure of the fullness of Christ. Paul in his letters to the Philippians in chapter 3 verse 10 says: That I may know Him and the power of his resurrection. If he could come to that level despite his achievements in the things of God, I know you won’t like to assume you have grown enough in your relationship with God. Consider Hebrews 5:8-9, the Bible talks about Jesus saying: Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered... God will surely correct you with several strokes of discipline just to showcase His glory in your life and ministry. There won’t be any sweet discipline as far as race to stardom is concern. You will have to pay the required price to get the prepared prize. However, you must bear this truth in mind that there can only be ‘’pain of discipline or pain of regret’’. It’s either you bear the pains now or regret painfully later for not accepting the teachings of the Lord. Which of the pains will you prefer? The pains of discipline or those of regret. God is correcting you right now because He cares. Don’t wait till you have to wallow in self-pity and irreparable loss before you yield to the warnings of the Lord. Take heed from this Menu and begin to yield your heart to the leading and instructions of the Lord. You will never miss the right steps in life in Jesus.

Prayer; Father, don’t allow me to be weary of your corrections and discipline.

Further Reading:  Hebrews 12:5-11

Read through the Bible: Psalm 59 & Romans 13