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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Sunday, May 27, 2018
“…Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.â€
John 3:3
Main Text:
A ten-year-old boy said this to his mother, “You know, living in this world is just like living in a rented apartment: you settle down and make yourself comfortable, and then one day the landlord comes and kicks you out.” Very deep, especially coming from a child isn’t it? Many people attach so much importance to this world that you wonder if they know that it is not their permanent home. The truth is that this world is not our home; we are just on a mission in it, and someday we will leave to give account of our mission to our Creator. This is a message that every child must live with even as we celebrate the Children’s Day.
Both children and adult will one day live the world stage. Whatever will be our exit route from this world – death or rapture – the fact remains that one day, the “Landlord” will ask us to leave and we will have no choice.
There are two permanent eternities– heaven and hell, nobody can miss out on both. We all want to go to heaven, but what preparations are we making?
If you are not born again, the first thing you need to do is surrender your life to Jesus, and make Him your Lord and Savior. Salvation is for everybody, so ensure your child knows Christ and that Jesus died to save sinners, irrespective of age and status. God is willing and ready to save. Confess all your sins to Him and ask Him to forgive you and to wash you clean with the blood of Jesus. Then your name will be in the Book of Life. Keep the word of God close to your heart by constantly meditating on it so as to guide your way of life. Bless a child today with your resources and not necessarily your biological child. A good home makes a good nation and a good child makes a proud parents.
Prayer: May I not miss eternity O Lord.
Further Reading: Revelation 20:1-5
Read through the Bible: II Chronicles 13 & Matthew 16