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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Sunday, November 11, 2018
As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
Psalm 103:15 KJV
Main Text:
Beloved, the Lord is saying; don’t live your life carelessly but consider the end of times. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16.
The joy of every true believer will be to see Jesus one day. This world is not our home brethren. We are just passing through and that’s why you need to live ready for His second coming. If you remember that this world will end of certainty, you won’t like to get yourself entangled with the troubles and affairs of life. You need to be spiritually conscious of the times and seasons. This is the ending of the age. How ready are you for His coming sir/ma? It’s possible that your running up and down is still about marriage, the debts, and career. Fine, but I want you to do these with heaven in view. If you are not looking at the end result of all these happenings in your life, it will be very easy for you to lose focus of God and miss eternity with Christ. Don’t get yourself choked up with the politics and other social problems around, but be devoted to God in order to get His will concerning your desired goal in life. Anytime you run away from God, you are running closer to the devil and that’s moving closer to hell. Don’t even consider hell at all. Be on the Lord side and let Him be your partner for life. Stop being a disobedient child; how long will your parents/pastor sad over your stubbornness? How on earth would you think your parents/pastors are the ones having problems and NOT you? If you don’t repent and make your pastor/parents glad, you are walking the path to destruction UNLESS you repent NOW. Let nothing in this world move you off heavenly track.
Prayer; Father, prepare and make me ready for your glorious coming O Lord
Further Reading: John 14: 1 – 3
Read through the Bible: Psalm 67 & I Corinthians 5