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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Ephesians 5:11 KJV
Main Text:
The Bible says we are the light of the world. Your real name in the redemption therefore, is light. That’s what the Lord Jesus is calling you. Therefore, wherever you appear as a child of God, darkness and all forms of evil must scatter. You are carrying great grace that no devil can subdue because the light shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it. John 1:5. As from today, I pray for you in the name that’s above every other name, your light will dispel all forms of darkness in around your destiny in Jesus’ mighty name. You will no longer be hindered from breaking forth.
Daniel 12:3 there’s no relationship between light and darkness. 2 Corinthians 6:14. You are a special envoy on the earth and cannot for any reason meddle with workers of iniquity but reprove and rebuke them so they can journey into God’s marvelous light and be saved. Your role on this planet earth is huge. God is calling you to your core responsibility of subduing all forms of dark work and making bold the works of salvation. You are not redeemed to be reduced but saved to put darkness at bay. Arise at once and begin to put the devil and his works where he belongs. He’s under your feet from creation and cannot rule over your heart, marriage, business and ministry. Raise up the Lord’s banner against his schemes and strategies through prayer and the word of faith. Let God shine through you going forward. The more you shine the Light through faith and godly lifestyles with holy character, so shall the Lord make bold His work of salvation on the earth.
What are you waiting for? Say no to all forms of rubbish from the pit of hell. Reject his baits and never get enticed to his lustrous gifts. Keep His prevailing Word alive in your heart ALWAYS
Prayer: I rebuke every manifestation of darkness around me by His blood
Further Reading: Ephesians 5:7-13
Read through the Bible: Psalm 22 & I Corinthians 5