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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Now you are well, so stop sinning or something even worse may happen to you.
John 5: 14
Main Text:
The only thing that is too costly in life is sin. It may look sweet at the beginning but the end of it is always sorrowful. Just like what Solomon said in the book of Proverbs 9:17, 18 “stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knoweth not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell”. What are those stolen water that seems so sweet in your mouth? Especially in our stewardship, offerings etc.; if you don’t stop it now, it can lead to something even worse.
A closer look at the above scripture reveals that the genesis of the man’s problem was sin. The root of his impotency was sin. Sin made him impotent, vagabond and fugitive, he was rendered invalid as a result of sin, his destiny became crippled. He lived at the mercy of men waiting for someone to put him inside the pool when the angel came down to trouble the water so that he could be made whole until he encountered destiny.
The scripture says, ‘for by means of a whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread.’ The enemy understands this and that has been his greatest weapon, he tries to lure a man into sin because he knows that as long as you remain sinless, you are secure in God. Sin is the only thing that breaks the wall of protection around us as believers.
Therefore, stand your ground and put on the whole armour of God, which is needed to fight victoriously. Remember that Jesus our Lord was tempted in every way yet He was without sin. You too can live above sin, as you look up to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. The year has just started so keep to your resolution to please God and let His Word have place in your life..
Prayer: Lord, I receive grace to live a holy and acceptable life before You.
Further Reading: Zechariah 3: 1-5
Read through the Bible: I Samuel 4 & I Corinthians 3