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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
“The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himselfâ€
Proverbs 11: 25
Main Text:
Psalm 128:1-2 gives you the key to experiencing blessings: “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” Psalm 128:1-2 says God’s blessings are conditional. We must, first, “fear the Lord” which is to reverence Him. God is holy and worthy of our highest respect. He is “a jealous God” (Exodus 34:14) who wants to be first placed in our lives.
Often times, people seek the shortcut to prosperity. They argue that life is a matter of the survival of the fittest; that all attempts to pursue worldly treasure is fair. In the process, they lose all sense of decency and discretion. They may succeed by their own definitions and terms, but the cost is often so high they never fully enjoy the wealth they had amassed.
King Solomon said we need righteousness in all our dealings. We should help our fellow human beings whenever we are able. He says that a generous person will certainly increase in wealth; the greedy and stingy will be poor. People who give liberally and nourish the lives of others will be prospered by God. People who refuse to help the needy will get their own reward; while there are blessings for those who give without seeking reward. Similarly, people who trust in their riches shall be miserable; the righteous will flourish in the goodness of God and good things of life.
We must first seek God and His righteousness, and then the basic needs of life shall be added unto us. Christians must not be seen as stingy to the point of allowing God’s work to suffer for lack of resources; neither should His people wallow in wants and abject poverty. As His children, we should use those resources to make other people happy. God’s blessings will come to you in the exact proportion you give to Him and to other people.
Prayer: Help me to discover more secrets to your blessing O Lord
Further Reading: Proverbs 11:22-31
Read through the Bible: Psalm 76 & I Corinthians 14