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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Friday, October 19, 2018


“…and the Word was God…”
John 1: 1
Main Text:

Words are very powerful and they act faster than we can imagine.  Words can make and as well break .Words have been spoken positively into people’s life and had shown good results while in the same vein had worked negatively in the life of others. This is to say that there are some forces backing up whatever is said in life. I beseech you to learn to always say good words.

There is something mysterious about “words” far beyond human understanding. According to the dictionary, the closest definition of “word” is “expression”. God is the “One that must be worshipped as having supernatural abilities”. Put together. “The Word is God” would then mean that “an Expression …has the capacity or power to do something that is beyond the laws of nature”. John 1: 18 says that The Word proceeds from God the Father. Put together, John 7: 7 is saying that whenever God needed to do something beyond the laws of nature, He speaks and it gets done because His Word “Himself” is God. i.e., has the power to do beyond the natural. That’s why His Word was sent to go and heal – Psalm 107: 20.

The scripture is the Word of God in summary, this was why Jesus said it CANNOT be broken – John 10: 35. It simply means that God cannot be broken because nothing can break Him. In Matt. 4, He (Jesus) quoted the written Word (Deut. 8:3; 6; 16, etc.) in response to the devil’s temptation and the devil could not stand it.

Today, the word still avails as much as it did in Gen. 1: 3 when “He” made the height and everything- Colossians 1: 76. I don’t know what you are presently experiencing, but I know there is a provision in the Word for your situation. Search the scriptures, take your position and launch the offensive attack against the resistance of darkness over your destiny for the Word is till quick and powerful. Hebrews 5: 12

Prayer: Thank You Father for sending Your Word for my situation

Further Reading: Colossians 1:5; Jeremiah 23:29

Read through the Bible: Psalm 44 & II Corinthians 11