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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Friday, May 4, 2018


“…, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother…”
1Corinthians 2:12-13
Main Text:

Just like I said yesterday an open door should not make you forget the time of fellowship you once had together; it would not make you lose the desire to know how Titus was doing in the faith and in the ministry. Note that this kind of feeling was not for ‘Titus’ alone. In 1 Thessalonians 2:17, Paul said that he was taken from the brethren in presence but his heart was still with them, and so he endeavored greatly to see them. Then in chapter 3:5 he said, “… when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith …”

How much do you care for the brethren? Are the open doors before you a perfect excuse for you not to be bothered about them? If you truly love them, no matter how well you are doing in your Christian life and ministry, and no matter how many doors the Lord opens to you, you will not be at ease when it is very obvious that something is wrong with your brother or sister. Paul’s example shows us that it is possible to be very busy and still very caring. There may even be nothing wrong with “Titus” but the fact that you do not see him anymore should cause a level of restlessness in your spirit until you know that it is well with him. When Onesiphorus was in Rome, he searched very diligently for Paul until he found him (II Timothy 1:16-17) even though we all know that Paul was doing very well in his Christian race.

Do you feel anything for “Titus”? Nobody is a waste and every human being is created to impact humanity in a positive way. Show great welfare/concern for the people that work with you in the office, they might be the help you will need later. Show interest in the work of God in your church, show love to one lost soul until he’s restored.

Prayer: Let me serve and love You more O Lord

Further Reading: 1Thessalonians 2:15-17

Read through the Bible: I Chronicles19 & Revelation 15