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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


And they come unto Him bringing one sick of the palsy…and they could not come near unto Him…the uncover the roof where He was and…let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.
Mark 2: 3-4
Main Text:

One of the greatest elements required for a successful life is the ability to press on with courage. This is what distinguishes success from failure. Failure finds no momentum to forge ahead in life and resorts to fate. It allows circumstances to make them casualties of life or better still prisoners of situation. Beloved one thing we must settle in our heart is that every failure we encounter in life should bring us closer to our place of miracle so far we are ready not to give up.

Disappointment reveals the reason why many of us fail to hold on to our desired miracle because we stop at the edge of our success. As a child of God, it’s wrong for you to be afraid of anything. All through the Scriptures, God repeatedly admonishes us not to fear. There’s no reason whatsoever for any Christian to be afraid of the devil, for he’s already defeated! In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Notice He said “all power”; not “some power,” meaning there’s none left for the devil. He was completely paralyzed and rendered helpless by Jesus.

The reason many live in fear of the devil and what they believe he can do is their ignorance of the scriptures, hence they arrogate too much power to the devil. We just read that all power belongs to Jesus, and not the devil. Jesus took a spoil of the devil and his demons; He dislodged and dispossessed them of their powers! He stripped them of everything that’s of value, leaving Satan and his cohorts helpless.

Beloved this is what is expected of you and I in this January, 2018, never give up always motivate yourself to try once more, that could be the stone that will hit the Goliath’s head so that you can enjoy peace throughout 2018.

Prayer: Lord, I destroy every symptom of near success syndrome in my life.

Further Reading: Mark 2: 1-10

Read through the Bible: I Samuel 22 & II Corinthians 5