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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Sunday, September 30, 2018


“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him”
Psalm 34:8
Main Text:

Someone once asked evangelist Dwight Moody how he managed to remain so intimate in his relationship with Christ. He replied, “I have come to Him as the best friend I have ever found, and I can trust in Him in that relationship. I have believed He is my Refuge; I have believed He is God my protector… and I have come to Him and submitted myself on my knees, surrendered everything to Him, and gotten up and stood by His side as my friend. My Refuge, and there isn’t any problem in my life, there isn’t any uncertainty in my work but I turn and speak to Him as naturally as to someone in the same room and I have done it these past years because I can trust Jesus.”

Where do you take refuge when the storms of life come? Where do you go for comfort and safety? Some people find it easy to turn to their friends, their job, or even a herbalist that cannot protect even himself! To some people, there’s nothing wrong with any of those things mentioned, but God the Father wants us to turn to Him first. He wants us to take refuge in Him.

He alone has the power to shield us in time of troubles. We serve a good God, and when we take refuge in Him, He will not fail us. Taste and see that the Lord is good today. Taste and see that His promises are good. When you turn to God, the Bible promises that you will find rest and refuge for your soul. No matter what you may be facing today, come to the Father. He will give you His peace and strength, and you’ll live the blessed life He has prepared for you!

Prayer: Today I open my heart to You and choose to take refuge in Your hand of protection

Further Reading: Psalm 91: 1 - 10

Read through the Bible: Psalm 26 & I Corinthians 9