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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Thursday, June 7, 2018
I assure you wherever the Good news is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be talked about in her memory.
Mark 14: 9
Main Text:
One way of knowing your time of favour has come is when God grants you unusual opportunities. In 2 Chron. 1:7, at night, God granted King Solomon to ask whatever he wanted. This blank cheque was provoked by Solomon’s offering of 1000 animals in a single night. Are you still holding back from God while you are asking for His favour? Solomon wouldn’t have become the world’s wisest man if he had not offered lavishly unto God. His giving was motivated by love. When we love God, we show it in our giving unto the needs of the church which include showing interest in the welfare of people, preaching the gospel, impacting positively on the community e.g. construction of borehole, support in the road maintenance etc. These are all sacrificial exercises.
In Mk. 14:3-9, the Lord Jesus Christ was having a meal in Simon’s house when a woman came in. before then, she had thought of how to make a lasting, positive impression on Jesus. Then she remembered her expensive box of spikenard. ‘Yes! The Lord deserves my best!’ she must have thought to herself, then she took the box with her. When she got to Jesus, she opened it and anointed Him. On realizing the value of that perfume, some of the disciples despised her and would rather the spikenard was sold for charity.
Unknown to her, she had keyed into prophetic declarations concerning the death and burial of the Lord. Her name and deed were written in record till date.
Are you still hiding your costly ‘perfume’ from Jesus? He needs your best. You may ask how do I give Him my best, look for people who are in need of one thing or the other around you and see the way you can be of help by so doing you are building an eternity for yourself. .
Prayer: May my offering provoke Your blessings in Jesus’ name,
Further Reading: Mark 14: 3-9
Read through the Bible: II Chronicles 24 & Matthew 27