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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Friday, January 12, 2018
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…
Proverbs 23: 7
Main Text:
The mind is one of the most powerful faculties that God has endowed man with for exploration. The effective positive use of it can enhance great transformation in life. It has been discovered that the mind of man is able to reproduce whatever it feeds on continuously, so we become whatever we allow our mind to dwell on most of the time. That is why the Bible advises us to guard our heart diligently because out of it flows the issues of life. In support of this, many great philosophers and thinkers throughout history have repeatedly discovered and written about this same concept in different words. Here are just a few examples.
“A man is what he thinks about all day long” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
‘‘Our life is what our thoughts make it” –Marcus Aurelius.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” King Solomon.
Now, it’s obvious that the master key to achieving success is by good use of the mind, we become what we think about and we get what we expect. So getting set for life begins with focusing our mind on those things we have received from God, knowing that faithful is He who has spoken, who also will do it.
Beloved, you will do yourself a world of good if you feed your mind with right pictures and the best of it comes from God’s Word, the prevailing Word. Whatever your mind can conceive from God’s word can be delivered to you. What do you desire for this year 2018? Begin to see it formed in your mind. Battles are won and lost in the place of the mind. You must win with His Word.
Prayer: Lord, let my mind receive illumination to be great in my world.
Further reading: Romans 12: 2, Ephesians 4: 23
Read through the Bible: I Samuel 11 & I Corinthians 10