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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Monday, September 3, 2018
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…
Romans 12:2
Main Text:
We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our strength. That is the mandate, nothing less than all our heart is acceptable. Will we retain God in our knowledge? Are we resisting the admonition of those who come to us speaking the Word of God? Are we justifying ourselves? Are we excusing ourselves as to why we don't want to retain the knowledge of God? This is not a game. Do we think we will be able to simply pick this up again anytime we want to come back? No one can come if God is not calling them.
Thank God for His mercy, His gentleness, His patience and His long suffering. But this salvation is too vital to gamble with; the hour is short in which we're living. Because they did not want to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
The whole world is watching you and you have no hiding place. If the kind of relationships you keep are those who have no regard for God or the counsel of heaven you need to stay off them and rebuke all their works in your body.
You can’t claim you love and fear God when your life is being occupied by your lifestyle and former ways. You need a change and it will only come when you totally surrender to God and His will. Check your heart and consider your ways.
When God is removed from the minds of people, the lie of evolution is accepted, the Word of God is rejected, free will like gay, lesbianism etc. is promoted, and the end will be what we are seeing so much of in our society. There are severe consequences when individuals or nations reject God and His standard of truth. If there is any hope for such a people, they must turn to God in true repentance.
Prayer: Help me dear Father to live each day in your fear.
Further Reading: Roman 1:25-32
Read through the Bible: Job 41 & Acts 26