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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh
Sunday, September 2, 2018
But the LORD your God ye shall fear; and he shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.â€
II Kings 17:39
Main Text:
It’s very easy to recognize a reprobate mind. The word “reprobate” means being “rejected, abandoned to error and spiritual destruction, unable to discern between right and wrong.” Notice that the verse in Romans 1:28 says, “God gave them over to a reprobate mind.” In this chapter, the phrase, “God gave them over”, is found more than once. There is no hope for a person when God turns them over or gives them up.
Such person will show no regard for God or the things of God and will also gladly support those who oppose the things of God and the mandate of heaven. They are all over the place and commonly use their efforts and status to make more disciples to sin rather than expose the secret works of the devil so that men can quickly repent and start identifying with God.
You must mark these kinds of people and avoid their ways and suggestions. If you have the love of God and you fear Him from within you, you will never desire to partake in other people’s sins or make yourself available to be used as an instrument in the hand of the devil. Therefore, you need to watch your ways and be clearly separated unto God in all that you do.
Your fear and respect for God is clearly seen in your conduct and way of life. If your character is not a match for your confession and profession, you have only succeeded in deceiving nobody but yourself. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that same wisdom will teach you to obey all the commandments of God and to represent Him rightly wherever you go.
Prayer: Help me dear Father to live each day in your fear.
Further Reading: Roman 1:25-32
Read through the Bible: Job 40 & Acts 25