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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Saturday, April 7, 2018


and Caleb ... said unto him (Joshua), Thou knowest the thing that the Lord said unto Moses ….”
Joshua 14: 6
Main Text:

Caleb was close enough to Moses to be able to know through patience, what the Lord said to Moses concerning him (Caleb) and Joshua. Now, Moses here is like the Holy Spirit to the children of Israel. He was doing for them in those days part of what the Holy Spirit does for believers today including hearing from God and relaying the message to His people. If Caleb had not been close to Moses, he would not have received information that was very vital. We need to be really close to the Holy Spirit to be able to hear God. Note also that what Caleb said to Joshua was something he heard forty-five years earlier. We should not be forgetful hearers but form the habit of noting down for future reference revelations that the Holy Spirit gives to us.

In verse 7, Caleb said he reported back to Moses what was in his heart, not what he ‘saw’. He saw the enemies being too strong for them to handle; he saw the wall of Jericho being too strong and too high for them to destroy; he saw the giants whom they could not defeat. But he decided not to be moved by sight but by what he had in his heart, which was the Word of God, the assurance that God’s presence was with them, the confidence that the same God who parted the Red Sea was able to destroy the walls of Jericho and hand their enemies over to them. And seeing that in contrast to what he saw, what he had in his heart was from God who can never lie and that it favored God’s people, he decided to report just that. Are you moved by what you see around you or what God is saying to your heart today? Are you carried away by what you are seeing that you cannot hear what God is saying?

Prayer: May I not lose my sense of hearing you O Lord

Further Reading: Joshua 14:1-8

Read through the Bible: II Kings 17 & I Peter 5