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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms
Jeremiah 51: 20
Main Text:

You may be surprised to learn that something as little as a disorganized parking lot or poor toilet facility especially in a big church can stop some people from attending church. It can even make some people who have already arrived in church to drive back home without waiting to attend service, and you can be sure that someone who goes back home for such a reason is most likely going to either watch television, sleep, or do anything else apart from praying or reading his Bible. Some other people will go through the hassle, park their vehicles, and get into the church auditorium. But then the anger that resulted from what they went through in the parking lot or the toilet could stop them from benefiting from the service, and they may even be a hindrance to the free flow of the Holy Spirit. You may say that anyone who decides to miss church for such a flimsy reason must be very immature so no one should bother about him. But the truth is that we are not all operating at the same level, and if we want to truly walk in love we have to put everyone’s level of maturity into consideration and do whatever it will take to help everyone make progress in his/her Christian life. Some people even miss a big opportunity to receive enlightenment in an area of their Christian life where they have been in darkness for a long time. So you see that even brethren who do nothing but help to direct traffic in the church parking lot are also God’s battle-axes to achieve order in the house of God. So also everyone else that serves God in any other area is His battle-axe and weapons of war in his/her own way. Do not forget that we all are of one body and every part is highly important in the body of Christ

Prayer: Make me your battle axe O Lord

Further Reading: Jeremiah 51:20-22

Read through the Bible: II Kings 24 & I John 4