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Apostle Dr. Richard Udoh

Monday, March 26, 2018


“For as he thinks in his heart, so he is…’’
Proverbs 23: 7
Main Text:

What you believe about yourself, your self-esteem, your sense of value, sense of worth could define how far you go in this journey of 2018. The problem that some people have today is they don’t really have good mental picture of themselves some because of their family background felt there is nothing they could amount to in life, while some blame their parents for not being give birth to by Dangote or born in America, what a thinking? They constantly focus on their faults and shortcomings and then wonder why they don’t enjoy life or have any enthusiasm or why their relationships and even businesses aren’t working out. Understand that you cannot be negative towards yourself and expect to have a positive-result in life. It’s easy to get negative and bitter and lose your enthusiasm for life, but understand today, you are not defined by your past. Every challenge you’ve been through, even adversity you’ve faced were not to destroy you but to make you great because God has deposited greatness in you. Say to yourself; I am bigger than what people think.

Your vision for greater tomorrow lies in you. With every difficulty, you can experience a new level of God’s goodness! In order to passionately live out who you are in Christ Jesus, you have to have a mentality that is beyond human understanding. If you’ll get your thinking corrected and start thinking like a champion, like a child of the Most High God, that you’ve been, you’ll be amazed at what will happen in the next few months of this year.

When you change your mentality and allow thoughts of faith and victory to fill your heart and mind, it will spillover unto the people around you. When you love yourself the way God loves you, that love will pour out on others as well. I tell you, God want you to change your thinking level in this year 2018 because the bigger your thoughts the larger coast you’ll conquer.

Prayer: I am convinced that my tomorrow is secure in You, Jesus.

Further Reading: Romans 21: 21 – 22

Read through the Bible: II Kings 5 & Hebrews 11